DryFoxCo is not some big corporate company looking to make a buck by selling third parties your personal information. We're quite the opposite! 

And by "we're" I mean "I'm" because it's just me, Samantha, and I know how crappy getting your information sold out to other companies is. 

In fact, I must get 8 calls a day because some website hosting company sold my number and now everyone's calling to sell me their graphic design service.

I promise you I won't do that to you. The information you enter on this site is safe with me. Your email is only used with your permission to send you DryFoxCo updates, new product info, and sales. I ask your name so I can get to know you and make emails personal! 

Spam is lame. It'll never happen. Plus, if at any time you're over my emails, just hit the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom.

Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, comments, concerns, or just to say hey by clicking the "contact" link or replying to any of our emails. They all come right to me and I'd love to hear from you!