DryFoxCo Ambassador Program
Do you want early access to the most innovative, new outdoor gear? Do you love being outdoors, traveling and/or going on fun adventures? Do you enjoy creating engaging, natural-feeling, fun content and being in front of the camera? Do you have a strong influence within the travel/outdoors community?
DryFoxCo is looking for new brand ambassadors! We are a woman-owned, small brand that creates compact outdoor gear from recycled materials. We value both lightweight and functional travel, as well as being an eco-friendly company.
Our primary products are quick-drying towels that are great for travel, camping, hiking, paddling, swimming, showering and so much more. Our latest products include compact backpacks and packable blankets.
We'd love to have you give them a try!
Ambassador requirements:
- Must have 1500 followers on either IG or TikTok
- Must be comfortable creating and sharing content of you using our products
- Must have creative, engaging ideas & be self-motivated
- Must complete a signed agreement in order to receive commission pay
- Must have a US mailing address
Ambassadors perks:
- A complimentary starter gear package of our best-selling products
- Early access to all our new products before they launch
- A lifetime 20% off discount sitewide for you & your followers
- Commission on any sales using your code
Sign up today! We'd love to work with you.